818 research outputs found

    Comment on 'Molybdenum at High Pressure and Temperature: Melting from Another Solid Phase'

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    There has been a major controversy over the past seven years about the high-pressure melting curves of transition metals. Static compression (diamond-anvil cell: DAC) experiments up to the Mbar region give very low melting slopes dT_m/dP, but shock-wave (SW) data reveal transitions indicating much larger dT_m/dP values. Ab initio calculations support the correctness of the shock data. In a very recent letter, Belonoshko et al. propose a simple and elegant resolution of this conflict for molybdenum. Using ab initio calculations based on density functional theory (DFT), they show that the high-P/high-T phase diagram of Mo must be more complex than was hitherto thought. Their calculations give convincing evidence that there is a transition boundary between the normal bcc structure of Mo and a high-T phase, which they suggest could be fcc. They propose that this transition was misinterpreted as melting in DAC experiments. In confirmation, they note that their boundary also explains a transition seen in the SW data. We regard Belonoshko et al.'s Letter as extremely important, but we note that it raises some puzzling questions, and we believe that their proposed phase diagram cannot be completely correct. We have calculated the Helmholtz and Gibbs free energies of the bcc, fcc and hcp phases of Mo, using essentially the same quasiharmonic methods as used by Belonoshko et al.; we find that at high-P and T Mo in the hcp structure is more stable than in bcc or fcc.Comment: 1 page, 1 figure. submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Two-dimensional molecular para-hydrogen and ortho-deuterium at zero temperature

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    We study molecular para-hydrogen (p-H2{\rm H_{2}}) and ortho-deuterium (o-D2{\rm D_{2}}) in two dimensions and in the limit of zero temperature by means of the diffusion Monte Carlo method. We report energetic and structural properties of both systems like the total and kinetic energy per particle, radial pair distribution function, and Lindemann's ratio in the low pressure regime. By comparing the total energy per particle as a function of the density in liquid and solid p-H2{\rm H_{2}}, we show that molecular para-hydrogen, and also ortho-deuterium, remain solid at zero temperature. Interestingly, we assess the quality of three different symmetrized trial wave functions, based on the Nosanow-Jastrow model, in the p-H2{\rm H_{2}} solid film at the variational level. In particular, we analyze a new type of symmetrized trial wave function which has been used very recently to describe solid 4^{4}He and found that also characterizes hydrogen satisfactorily. With this wave function, we show that the one-body density matrix ϱ1(r)\varrho_{1} (r) of solid p-H2{\rm H_{2}} possesses off-diagonal long range order, with a condensate fraction that increases sizably in the negative pressure regime.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Ab initio melting curve of molybdenum by the phase coexistence method

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    We report ab initio calculations of the melting curve of molybdenum for the pressure range 0-400 GPa. The calculations employ density functional theory (DFT) with the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof exchange-correlation functional in the projector augmented wave (PAW) implementation. We present tests showing that these techniques accurately reproduce experimental data on low-temperature b.c.c. Mo, and that PAW agrees closely with results from the full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave implementation. The work attempts to overcome the uncertainties inherent in earlier DFT calculations of the melting curve of Mo, by using the ``reference coexistence'' technique to determine the melting curve. In this technique, an empirical reference model (here, the embedded-atom model) is accurately fitted to DFT molecular dynamics data on the liquid and the high-temperature solid, the melting curve of the reference model is determined by simulations of coexisting solid and liquid, and the ab initio melting curve is obtained by applying free-energy corrections. Our calculated melting curve agrees well with experiment at ambient pressure and is consistent with shock data at high pressure, but does not agree with the high pressure melting curve deduced from static compression experiments. Calculated results for the radial distribution function show that the short-range atomic order of the liquid is very similar to that of the high-T solid, with a slight decrease of coordination number on passing from solid to liquid. The electronic densities of states in the two phases show only small differences. The results do not support a recent theory according to which very low dTm/dP values are expected for b.c.c. transition metals because of electron redistribution between s-p and d states.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures. to be published in Journal of Chemical Physic

    Melting properties of a simple tight-binding model of transition metals: I.The region of half-filled d-band

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    We present calculations of the free energy, and hence the melting properties, of a simple tight-binding model for transition metals in the region of d-band filling near the middle of a d-series, the parameters of the model being designed to mimic molybdenum. The melting properties are calculated for pressures ranging from ambient to several Mbar. The model is intended to be the simplest possible tight-binding representation of the two basic parts of the energy: first, the pairwise repulsion due to Fermi exclusion; and second, the d-band bonding energy described in terms of an electronic density of states that depends on structure. In addition to the number of d-electrons, the model contains four parameters, which are adjusted to fit the pressure dependent d-band width and the zero-temperature pressure-volume relation of Mo. We show that the resulting model reproduces well the phonon dispersion relations of Mo in the body-centred-cubic structure, as well as the radial distribution function of the high-temperature solid and liquid given by earlier first-principles simulations. Our free-energy calculations start from the free energy of the liquid and solid phases of the purely repulsive pair-potential model, without d-band bonding. The free energy of the full tight-binding model is obtained from this by thermodynamic integration. The resulting melting properties of the model are quite close to those given by earlier first-principles work on Mo. An interpretation of these melting properties is provided by showing how they are related to those of the purely repulsive model.Comment: 34 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Journal of Chemical Physic

    The kinetics of homogeneous melting beyond the limit of superheating

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    Molecular dynamics simulation is used to study the time-scales involved in the homogeneous melting of a superheated crystal. The interaction model used is an embedded-atom model for Fe developed in previous work, and the melting process is simulated in the microcanonical (N,V,E)(N, V, E) ensemble. We study periodically repeated systems containing from 96 to 7776 atoms, and the initial system is always the perfect crystal without free surfaces or other defects. For each chosen total energy EE and number of atoms NN, we perform several hundred statistically independent simulations, with each simulation lasting for between 500 ps and 10 ns, in order to gather statistics for the waiting time τw\tau_{\rm w} before melting occurs. We find that the probability distribution of τw\tau_{\rm w} is roughly exponential, and that the mean value <τw><\tau_{\rm w} > depends strongly on the excess of the initial steady temperature of the crystal above the superheating limit identified by other researchers. The mean also depends strongly on system size in a way that we have quantified. For very small systems of ∼100\sim 100 atoms, we observe a persistent alternation between the solid and liquid states, and we explain why this happens. Our results allow us to draw conclusions about the reliability of the recently proposed Z method for determining the melting properties of simulated materials, and to suggest ways of correcting for the errors of the method.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Data dependent energy modelling for worst case energy consumption analysis

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    Safely meeting Worst Case Energy Consumption (WCEC) criteria requires accurate energy modeling of software. We investigate the impact of instruction operand values upon energy consumption in cacheless embedded processors. Existing instruction-level energy models typically use measurements from random input data, providing estimates unsuitable for safe WCEC analysis. We examine probabilistic energy distributions of instructions and propose a model for composing instruction sequences using distributions, enabling WCEC analysis on program basic blocks. The worst case is predicted with statistical analysis. Further, we verify that the energy of embedded benchmarks can be characterised as a distribution, and compare our proposed technique with other methods of estimating energy consumption

    Quantum Monte Carlo simulation of overpressurized liquid 4He

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    A diffusion Monte Carlo simulation of superfluid 4^4He at zero temperature and pressures up to 275 bar is presented. Increasing the pressure beyond freezing (∼\sim 25 bar), the liquid enters the overpressurized phase in a metastable state. In this regime, we report results of the equation of state and the pressure dependence of the static structure factor, the condensate fraction, and the excited-state energy corresponding to the roton. Along this large pressure range, both the condensate fraction and the roton energy decrease but do not become zero. The roton energies obtained are compared with recent experimental data in the overpressurized regime.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    El retorno de los emigrantes al sur de Iberia

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    El presente artículo analiza los problemas sociales generados por los emigrantes que vuelven a su lugar de origen en la Europa meridional. Se trata de dos casos comparados: Algarve (en Portugal) y Andalucía (en España). Se destacan, además de los problemas de integración social, los de desarrollo, y desigualdades regionales. La conclusión es que es necesario un mejor conocimiento de las relaciones entre el desarrollo económico nacional y regional en ambos países. El presente trabajo constituye un avance de un libro que aparecerá con este mismo título, editado por el Ministerio de Agricultura español, así como simultáneamente en ediciones en los Estados Unidos y en Portugal (en sus respectivos idiomas)

    Zero-temperature generalized phase diagram of the 4d transition metals under pressure

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    We use an accurate implementation of density functional theory (DFT) to calculate the zero-temperature generalized phase diagram of the 4dd series of transition metals from Y to Pd as a function of pressure PP and atomic number ZZ. The implementation used is full-potential linearized augmented plane waves (FP-LAPW), and we employ the exchange-correlation functional recently developed by Wu and Cohen. For each element, we obtain the ground-state energy for several crystal structures over a range of volumes, the energy being converged with respect to all technical parameters to within ∼1\sim 1 meV/atom. The calculated transition pressures for all the elements and all transitions we have found are compared with experiment wherever possible, and we discuss the origin of the significant discrepancies. Agreement with experiment for the zero-temperature equation of state is generally excellent. The generalized phase diagram of the 4dd series shows that the major boundaries slope towards lower ZZ with increasing PP for the early elements, as expected from the pressure induced transfer of electrons from spsp states to dd states, but are almost independent of PP for the later elements. Our results for Mo indicate a transition from bcc to fcc, rather than the bcc-hcp transition expected from spsp-dd transfer.Comment: 28 pages and 10 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.
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